Hi! I'm Dr. Alissa Kuizinas

I am here to take you on a journey to reclaim your feet! As a board certified podiatrist, I worked in private practice for three years and was astonished at the amount of people who were developing foot pain. People who were doing everything 'right' with their shoes. People who were using custom orthotics and top of the line footwear. And yet their foot issues just kept coming back.

I started to feel discouraged, like I was only chasing symptoms and didn't have any real way to help people get back on their feet. I became very interested in the science of shoes and how they actually affect our feet in the long term. I eventually left my job and dedicated several months to re-learning everything that I thought I knew about shoes and how our feet really function.

What I learned was truly astonishing. Modern footwear as we know it is wreaking havoc on our feet. Everything that I had learned through years of education and training was compounding the problem. Encouraging people to use 'supportive' shoes and arch supports only further weakens already dysfunctional feet, making them more prone to plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, and chronic pain.

Meanwhile, I was dealing with my own foot issue. I had developed a nagging pain in my great toe joint, called hallux limitus. I knew from experience that this issue would eventually become chronic and likely turn into arthritis. I knew something had to change, and fast! I quickly implemented what I learned about shoes and it worked its magic. My results were amazing and the habits I learned gave me strong feet that never get sore anymore. I completely changed my mindset around shoes and now I am teaching you my exact method so you can use it too!

I am so grateful that I chose to question the status quo and develop my own protocols for strong, healthy, mobile and functional feet. My goal is to teach you everything you need to know to pick the right shoes every time and live a vibrant, pain free life!